Welcome to Bic & Bob's WedSite

The Doctor sez: Purrty please come in & enjoy yourself!

We get a wedding website?!? SWEET!!! Bob hearts things like this!

Hopefully we can provide everyone with useful information regarding the wedding, as well as a bit of backstory of Bic & Bob, all with a dash of their personalities thrown in.

As things go on with the planned we'll update info and such.
That way everyone (who wants them) can check out the details for the festivities.

So please go take a look around and see how things are coming along so far!

And of course,
Thanks for stopping by,
Angela/Bob & Bic

(Bic's welcoming words will be added once the perfect thought comes to him. But please don't hold your breath, it might be a minute or three! Or even more. Maybe after the wedding he'll have the light bulb moment!)